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- Date: Sat, 4 Jun 94 01:56 BST-1
- From: Andre Willey <andre@cix.compulink.co.uk>
- Subject: Keyboard shortcuts (what else?)
- To: gem-list@world.std.com
- Message-Id: <memo.288895@cix.compulink.co.uk>
- Precedence: bulk
- [I'm re-sending this. The first attempt was bounced at eunet for some reason]
- In <wdhm7zjvrvo@moacs11>, walra%moacs11@nl.net wrote:
- > You're right, the current proposal is mainly usefull for the class
- > of editor applications (not necessarily text-editors), while many
- > appli- cations have very different requirements. Not too many people
- > would be fond of a hd formatter which displays the available hds
- > as icons in a window and follows the guideline on <select objects>
- > <DEL> :).
- That's very true. However, the standard should allow for applications
- to decide which shortcuts are appropriate to their own operation.
- Thus a hard disk formatter would not support plain old <Del> to format
- the disc (I hope!) Certainly if I were writing one it wouldn't... :-)
- The one useful thing that Timothy Miller has done is to highlight the
- very real dangers of destructive block actions when combined with
- the ability to 'Select All'.
- In <H.ekK.6PiB9kgorV6@elfhaven.ersys.edmonton.ab.ca>,
- mforget@elfhaven.ersys.edmonton.ab.ca wrote:
- > We need both solutions, I think, instead of one or the other.
- Yep. The basic default standard should be defined here fairly soon,
- by the sound of things, as there seems to be general (well, with one
- exception :-) ) agreement on keyboard shortcuts. This standard can
- then form the default settings for the SHORTCUT.INF (or whatever)
- system, which is the second part of the proposals being discussed
- here. There is no need to go overboard with this second phase just
- yet; a simple system that will handle re-assigning the default
- settings will do for now, and we can then add application-specific
- codes as authors suggest meaningful operations.
- In <memo.284846@cix.compulink.co.uk>, ogal@cix.compulink.co.uk wrote:
- > > IMO a *.INF (or *.CNF) file implies that it contains the
- > > configuration for a single application, therefor I'd go for the
- > > .SYS extension (it is a system wide file, and in a certain way it
- > > is part of the system too).
- >
- > Indeed, it should have the extension SYS.
- Fine. SYS it is. I'm not sure about KEYBIND.SYS (sounds a bit too techie
- for the layman). How about either SHORTCUT.SYS, KEYBOARD.SYS or
- Andre
- +------------------------------------+-------------------------------+
- | Andre Willey | Cygnus Software Development |
- | Email: andre@cix.compulink.co.uk | Sutton Coldfield -- England |
- | or: ...{mcsun}!uknet!cix!andre | Tel: (UK/+44) 021 308 5251 |
- +------------------------------------+-------------------------------+